Feed Tag Case Study


Which feed tag would be your first choice for your horse and why?


Which one would be your last choice and why?

Imagine this - you have a healthy mature horse that gets ridden 4x/week. His workload is considered moderate, his bodyweight and body condition are ideal, yet he needs a ration balancer to ensure optimal nutrient intake. He gets good quality hay and pasture to meet his energy needs, so again, the balancer is truly for nutrients.

 Now, I want you to take a look at these 4 different ration balancers (pictured). These are popular products that can be found nearly everywhere in the U.S.

Their respective recommended feeding rates for a 1,100 lb. horse in moderate exercise are as follows:

  • Blue tag - 2 lbs./day

  • Green tag - 2 lbs./day

  • Yellow tag - 2 lbs./day

  • Pink tag - 3 lbs./day

*There is no forage analysis available.


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