Timothy Cubes


Can I feed my horses timothy cubes instead of hay?


Imagine this scenario - you have a herd of healthy, mature horses, all have good working teeth, and you want to find the best way to feed them.

You decide you are going to eliminate hay and pasture from your program and replace these with timothy cubes. (you read that right, no pasture, no hay - just cubes)

You offer these to each horse at a feeding rate that is appropriate to keep their body condition ideal. Many of the horses eat grain and will continue to receive it along with the timothy cubes.

My question to you..... is this a good or bad idea? Why or why not?

Also... this is a real scenario that I've been asked about on numerous occasions. So not as far fetched as you might be guessing.

Here’s my answer:

*a point of clarification from video 1 - horses with poor dentition that consume cubes should have them fully soaked (30-60 minutes) prior to consuming


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